Sunday, January 30, 2011

Student B: Read about CAMOGIE.

Camogie is one of the most popular sports in Ireland, but it is played only by girls & women. Men are not allowed to play camogie. It is fast & exciting and looks dangerous to people who are watching. The girls play with a wooden stick like in hockey, and with a small ball. The stick is called a hurley. The players can hit the ball along the ground or in the air. They can also pick the ball up & carry it - but only for four steps. The goalposts look like a letter H - they are similar to rugby goalposts but smaller. You must hit the ball into the other team's goalposts.

Camogie is similar to the men's sport hurling but there are some important differences. There are two teams with twelve players on each team. The ball is lighter than the ball used in the men's game, and players are allowed to score a goal by passing the ball from their hands. Women have played camogie for about 100 years. The women wear protective helmets. but they always wear skirts instead of shorts. The goalkeeper wears the same jersey as the other players on her team. It is fast & furious, and exciting to play or watch.

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